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Group Challenges

Intensive & Coaching Program

How to Build Your LinkedIn & Youtube Brand, Generate

1M+ Organic ImpressionsAttract High Ticket Premium Clients Without Running Paid Advertising



Nim Stant  - Founder at Go All In 

Time frame: 3 months

Over 500k video views across all channels


Hundreds of quality LEADS coming in

$15k+ months

$27 low ticket offer

$3k & $10k offer

Maggie Jenson - Founder at  Magnify Progressive Wellness 

Time frame: 2 weeks

From brand & shorts already collected more than $15k

cash collected in just 2 weeks

Helped with a virtual launch event that got more low ticket sales in as well 

It’s not about VOLUME on Youtube of subs,

it’s about building a quality audience, less subscribers and she makes 10X more with this type of content now

$27 low ticket offer

$9000 high ticket offer

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